Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Mozart Exhibition

Went to the mozart exhibition with teacher and her 2 sons, 卓乐 & 松乐。。。 they are so cute, don't believe me? the pictures say it all... especially when they were in Mozart's costumes, the wigs, really sooooo adorable. I feel like biting them, hehe, no la, just joking.

Evening, i went to a most 'jaws drop' class hour, at Mr. Ong's house. i never know a young kids like 7 years old, 13 years old, can play that fast, the fingers are like... robotic man. Techniques are superb, most expressive, most musical. ok, i must start to practice my piano, i mean, thoroughly. Another sleepless nite to me, everytime after i watch something inspired, i will get very high, and feel like playing the piano for the whole nite, too excited to rest. But too bad, eventhough i don't need to sleep, other ppl does, i can't practically play the piano in the middle of the nite. sigh... will just get myself settle down on the bed then~~~

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