Wednesday, November 18, 2009







星期天还得去看一场音乐会,是女高音,不知道自己的艺术造诣,有没有高到会欣赏这种音乐会呢?但是还得去啊,是否会睡着?唉~~~ 惟有尽量把注意力放在钢琴伴奏上。。。是王爷爷伴奏,应该能够让我撑上整个音乐会吧。。。真担心。



Thursday, October 29, 2009




一位穿梭在安宁病房,散播温暖给每一位临终病人的有心人,心情是怎样的?今天晚上讲的是一个小男孩,Jason 的故事,以亮哥哥是怎么帮助Jason 慢慢地接受妈妈即将离开的事实。一句,mummy, do not go~ 是小Jason很想告诉妈妈的一句话,但是最后也只能把它呐喊在白纸上,因为希望妈妈能够走得安心。然后再画了一幅快乐的全家福,献给躺在病床上的母亲,想说的就是。。。爸爸和我,都会快快乐乐地生活下去。


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sliding doors...








Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear Diary,

I went karaoke with students the other day, and found out that i am a crazy teacher.
& i would like to say some prayer, i want to pray for QY who are still having all sort of tests in Changi General Hospital right now, hope he can get well soon. I pray for the Lim family as well, I know it's a torture to have someone that you love so much lying in hospital and u can't do anything to make him feel better.

I wanted to read a book, My sister's keeper... but I am scared, i think i will cry so hard when reading it, shall i read the book? wait till i buy some tissues first.

I am getting better after taking the 2 spironolactone, only if i spell the name correctly. I think i shall start my exercise schedule very soon, maybe after my KL trip.

I am going back to KL... yeepee~~~~ on this coming friday. and I have a surprise for my dear daddy~~~ I want to see him cry in happiness!!! hahaha...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To-do list

Dear dairy,

I need a to-do list urgently... there are so many things to remember and i have to admit that my memories are going down the drain as my age increases, sigh... sad huh!!!

there are so many things to do, and all are so important, i can't afford to miss any one of them out, i will get killed.

First, Chien Pei's wedding in KL, i've booked the air ticket to go back then, i am kind of scared of the custom traffic during public holiday, and her wedding is on the Hari Raya weekend, can't imagine how long is the traffic Q if i drive, so, travel by air is the best.

Then, teacher's student concert again in JB, on the 18th of Oct.

Students' theory exam on the 31st Oct.

6th of Dec, sis will be running a marathon, ok, so what's that to do with my list? well, do u think that i will be free, or i can relax when she running that marathon? i have to take care of her, it's 10km... that woman must be crazy~~~

right after the marathon, on the 7th of Dec, we will be flying over to Australia to attend my brother's convo, will stay there from 7th to 12th of Dec, really looking forward to it, hope it is a good holiday for us, the whole family will be going, syok!!!

12th night back to singapore, 13th of Dec, will be my own students' concert... sigh... why did i put myself into this kind of situation? but still looking forward to concert though, we didn't have any concert last year due to my body condition, so this year, most of them are higher grades already, and of course, some adorable baby pianist as well, so proud of them... muaks~~~

So, in between, i need to prepare my invitation cards, report cards, presents for students, and running to SGH for regular checkup and blood test...

and lastly, plan for next year's schedule, print 2010 calendar.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A relaxing wed afternoon

Dear Diary,

nice weather today, although it rain, but it was nice and comfy after all the heat. I spent my afternoon walking alone in a mall, trying to figure out how to decorate my invitation for the annual concert... but ended up, buying nothing, cos they are not right.

Keep walking, listening to my mp3, it was the soundtrack of nodame, nice classicals, piano playing, concertos, symphonies... nice... it was so relax. Then i walked pass a CD shop, I walked in, trying to get more classical CD for my car, but that shop was in a mess, they don't organize the classical CD, it was hard to find a good one. Then i gave up... and i decided....

Walked into Yamaha Music store, trying to get some books, but couldn't find any one that i am looking for. then I made another decision, like within a minute...

to walk out from the mall, to another music store that sell more books... cos I WANT those repertoires by today, I want to practise them on the piano tomorrow early morning.. if i can play piano in the night i would love to, but i know i can't... so, tomorrow morning, i want new repertoires. Am i too 任性。I don't care!!!

So, i ended up with a shopping bag in my hand, with Schubert piano sonata book 1, and fantasy in f minor by Schubert in the bag.... I am happy now....

then happily, eat dinner with sis... so... today was a good day for me, although i can't get anything for the invitation cards, can't get anything from the messy CD store, and can't get any book from Yamaha...

wish tomorrow can be another happy and relaxing day for me~~~ yeah, lunch with jazz and celeste and their mum...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009






有个朋友告诉我,如果不知道自己将来的路怎么走,就想一想当初最早的梦想。当初是怎么开此现在的路的,我没有忘记,但是最早的那份单纯,就真的忘了。我必须再努力一点,努力地去感受,努力地去维持。。。因为‘顺风时要维持,逆风时就得坚持了’ 。



Sunday, June 07, 2009


Dear Diary, plz help me to send all my best wishes to a friend... I dedicate this post to her.

I am glad that you have return to your warm shelter again today;

I am glad that you feel safe once more;
I can't give you much, but will pray for you day and night,
You will be fine, and continue to glow with your music... happily & bright,
& you know, i am always by your side.

Monday, May 18, 2009

@ Marina Barrage

Mei had this sudden inspiration to go to the marina barrage this evening. When we reached there, we found out that today is actually the opening of this marina barrage, it was crowded. There is this huge and tall bridge, that we can walk up, and ended up at a big field, then can see the marina site of Singapore, quite cool. It's definitely The place for 'pak toh'ing there, cos at nite, it is dark up there, only lights along the walk way, the field? total darkness... hehe.

We stayed there for a couple of hours, cos wanted to see the fireworks at 9pm.

Really a nice place, will go there again, soon.

Friday, May 08, 2009


I watched two musicals lately... first, on the 3rd May 2009, the CATS. And can u believe it? i remembered the time wrongly, 我多么的懊恼, 为什么可以犯这么严重的错。那票不便宜,然后我知道他们一定不让我们进去直到中场休息。I am gonna miss half of the musical, my gosh... but, when we reach there around 7.30pm (started at 7pm), they lead us to a viewing room, lucky, we don't need to miss all half, only the first 30mins. But that viewing room, sigh... not live, it's thru speakers de... not nice at all, i still blaim myself for making this stupid mistake.

so, i didn't really enjoy the musical for the first half, but the 2nd half not bad. nice songs, nice dance, cool... so cool. one thing, the background didn't change much, other than that, not a bad watch, hehe...

2nd musical that i watched on 6th May, is a Singapore musical, at first i didn't want to watch it, cos u know, singapore 本土的,i don't know whether nice or not, don't dare to spend too much, then once i heard the OST on radio, nice wor... cos normally 新谣all listen until xian already, but they actually 从新编曲for all the 新谣, and it's nice. very jazzy and modern. So, i decided to watch it this time... and guess what, I was so touched, cos all the songs that heard when i was in teenage, all reappear in the musical, in a very different way, very cool too, and 很感动。They sing well, they are cute, of course can't compare to thoese Europe cast, but, not bad for an asian cast already. I was surprise. :) give them a smile for that.
More to come, more to come plz... i need all these for inspirations.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009



今天已经是这个月的第4次,什么时候我才不需要再到SGH做检查,看医生。大半天的时间,从一开始的‘找parking' , 到看医生,或验血,或照超声波等等的检查,很累啊!老公今天还开玩笑的说,考虑在SGH租一个season parking slot. 不是吧。


最近看了一套港剧,《与敌同行》,为了找出真相,好人冒着生命危险,接近坏人,然后再写下每一个发现的疑点,真相就会慢慢地浮现。。。然后。。。 杀杀杀杀杀!!!! 铲除坏人。呵呵,变态!

我要勇敢地找出让我不舒服的源头,然后杀杀杀杀杀。。。 一个不留!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


很难改变一个人的性格吧,但我会尝试。 兵来将挡,战争才一半,难道放弃?
gambateh ne!!!

(not my baby, by the way :P )

Sunday, April 05, 2009




但是,没有政府的日子还是蛮爽的啦。就好像可以迟迟睡,可以穿得清清凉凉地在客厅看电视,毕竟这几天的天气实在是热得要命。可以和妹,驾着车到处去找好吃的,等等。本来还想看场电影,像看那个‘know1inG' 故事还蛮特别,也许是我对数字有癖好,哈哈。还有唱场karaoke, 但是基于经济的考量,还是取消了这两项节目。唯有在家里看DVD了。唉,被政府管习惯了,变乖了?


I need something to inspire me, common, any concert?



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gosh, baby, how come you are so different from mummy?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Wat a year~~~

Dear Dairy,

Wat la, after months of suffers, now i've recovered, well, sort off, and guess what happen to my car last Friday?

When i saw it, it was already damaged, the whole bumper dropped onto the ground. Like 'he' heard some 'jaw dropping' joke or news, watever.... At first I tot, walao... really so 'suay' this year, ppl hit and run, I got to spend extra 700plus to repair.

Then this taxi uncle came, saying that he saw who done the 'good job', then he passed me a name card, it's a car repairer's card, hmmm.... he owns a workshop? can trust or not? some more he said he already call the police for me and got picture of the lorry driver. Then cos policemen waited for me too long, went off liao, so he waited there for me to come down, got such good person nowadays?

Then he asked me to follow his taxi to his workshop, to discuss how to claim the lorry driver and repair my car for me.... scared scared, at nite, follow a stranger, to some industrial area, workshop ppl always very fierce one, and i heard ppl always say, if ur car go in there, hard to get it out liao, have to settle with lots of money, etc etc... how? how?

In the end, i called my students' mum go with me, then call haw to meet me there at the workshop, then haw went with 2 ge and another friend... luckily this time really meet some honest ppl, well, i know they got benefits out of this incidence as well, but at least they are honest with us, they settled all the insurance documents for us, we don't have to pay a cent and today, I got back my car, in good condition, nice bumper, nice touch up and nice rear light.

This year is not that bad after all, right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A special visit

Dear diary,
I was admitted into SGH on last Wed night. 3 days. Good experience, although they only solved my 表面上的问题。Still finding the cause of my water retention.

I was admitted into ward 64, block 6, level 4, room 19, bed 7. Anybody buying toto from these? I took the evidence, as show in the pic below.

I took the pic of the food there as well, hmmm... not bad actually, i can't say nice, but eatable.

I should have taken the pic of me with my 2 big 'briefcases'. ok the story starts like this, i told u that i got water in my body, all over my body, like a balloon, right? so, i went to hospital, the doc gave me some 'magic' pills to make me keep running to the toilet, yes, even in the night. They have to do one 24 hour check on my urine, so, i have to accumulate them, in where? not my bladder, of course, in some big, huge 5 litres, squarish container, which look exactly like a briefcase. And guess what? i used 2 of those container, within 24 hours. super right?

not only that, they are like mosquitoes, keep sucking my blood. everynite around 5am, they will wake me up to draw blood, sigh.... poke everywhere, got bruise some more.

But now, i am at home already, well, i feel good, and healthy, although they haven't find out what cause the water tank in my body, but for sure is not kidney or liver problem, not cancer either, these are the 3 that i scared the most. Let's see the follow up, hopefully can find out what happen in me.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bull year or Blue year

Dear diary,

ok, i must start of my blog with a word... SIGH~~~~~  what's wrong with this year? since the first day of new year, everybody falls sick. 

Dear dad fall sick on the 年30晚,body ache like mad, then fever, can't move, can't eat, vomit etc etc. Dear sis fall sick on the first day of CNY, rashes all over body, body ache as well, fever, similar to dad... no need to mention about me, I am officially qualified as... 豆腐做的人, 超低抵抗力的一个胖妞。Gastric problem, or whatever problem that could be, have been bugging me for months, i loose my temper sometimes, cos frustration. Can u imagine u carrying a balloon with you all the time, and inside that balloon is full of water. Damn heavy, and also embarrassing, cos everybody starts asking me, are you pregnant? *fainted*

CNY like no CNY, no nice food for me, no nice drinks for me, no cold drinks, no tidbits nothing. 

Something to cheer for though, before the CNY, I bought a new toy, hehehe... tada~~~~ an IPhone. It's so cool loh, although the function is not as good as my previous Nokia (I still love my Nokia, it's a GPS for me now), but the IPhone is very sharp, very colourful, online everywhere, all sort of applications, cool cool cool... 

I went to Penang during CNY too.... at first i need to drive, but in the end, brother in law drove, i help a little.... but from Malacca to Singapore, hehe... dearest hubby drove, he got his licence from me already, i think this CNY he drove the most, even more than his entire driving life. I am so so pround of him. 

Penang was ok, went to 4th brother in law's house, cos this year they didn't come back to Malacca, so we decided to go there and visit them, all together 4 cars, drove up North, so cool ya. Stop together, talk together, everything together.... but too many ppl, have to wait this and wait that, to much time wasted on waiting. but who cares?  it's my holiday, suppose to relax. I didn't feel that uncomfortable during the CNY, but once coming back to Singapore, i feel the bloated once again, really don't understand why. Until today, i am still trying out new doctors, new clinic. just hope that someone can give me an answer, why my stomach so big. It's not fat hor, it's all water. hahaha... must make this clear. 

ok, got to go to bed already, good nite. 

Monday, January 19, 2009




在我失踪的这段日子,其实发生了很多,有值得开心的,也有。。。好啦,开心的居多。首要的,就是老公出差回来了,他很照顾我,以前认为他不可能做的事,在我生病的这段时间,发生了。老公,谢谢你!!! 我从来没有那么公开的谈论过我们俩的生活,但是这次确实让我非常地感动。细节就让我留在心里,但是妹妹知道啦~

再来,就是考试成功啦。。。别问我怎么办到的,因为就是纯粹两个字 - 侥幸- 也可能是考官心情好,要不然就是,因为我是最后一个考生,他想赶快收工,回家休息,总之,能过,一定不是我的努力,或是天分。还是那两个字,侥幸!!!但是还是要感谢一下侯老师,把她气成那样,真不好意思。

还有,就算生病,还是忍不住去看了几场Mr Ong 的演奏会,没办法,实在是cannot resist 他的魅力。但说也奇怪,每次看他的演奏会的时候都没有生病的感觉,胃也没涨,也不咳嗽,非常舒畅的感觉。
