Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New BlogSkin

I've change my blog skin again, kinda bored of the old one... was looking at something very simple and pinky, i fell in love with pink lately, don't know why. I think ppl that know me b4 just cannot believe that i actually love pink colour now, hmmm... something has changed?

anyway, cut off the background music, cut off the calendar board, cut off the picture slides, everything cut cut cut... ya, so it's pretty simple now.

Going back this thursday for the weekends. it's dad's birthday, so me and sis decided to go back and give him a birthday treat. Looking forward to it la~~~ but after the trip, got to make up like crazy.. So many lessons had been cancelled during the month of May. Gee~~~ so sick of make up lessons already.

I think i won't be posting till after the trip. Will update asap. *pooff* <--- did i sound like disappearing at once? sigh... lame, i am bored, that's why, it's 2am now, and i am still awake, don't feel like sleeping.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


今天看了一些剪报,是说某些曾经非常出名的音乐人,钢琴家,他们一路走来的辛苦,辛酸,光辉背后的黑。让我有很多很多的感触。 一个经常在台上享受掌声,享受摄影机,相机的光芒的人,一旦回到家,会不会感到寂寞? 他们有没有一套走出寂寞,走出那个光环的方法,他们有没有那种力量?

我们经常在报章上看到某报导说,某某明星自杀,某某神童患上犹豫症等等。。。。。 我心想,就是他们走不出来。一个非常红的明星,如果有一天,他不红了,他已经过不了普通人的生活,他一定很难过。一个小孩,小时候是享受全世界的称赞而长大的,长大了他发现,比他了不起的大有人在,人们不再觉得他是高人一等的,注意力也不再投向他的时候,那他怎么办? 碍于面子问题,他们往往就只有钻牛角尖,一直钻到无路可逃的时候,就崩溃。



"我不能接受你这样。。。。。" 等等,是不是你时常说的。也许你没有察觉,但是今天过后,是不是可以改一改呢? 也许别人听了会比较舒服呢?




Monday, May 07, 2007


This is the colour of my phone

This is the colour of my gym bag

This is the colour of my wallet

...... THIS IS THE COLOUR OF THE LEMON SWEETS.... that i bought yesterday

you know those very popular lemon sweets? golden packaging? look like medicine pills? and yes, it's so white and hard. I wonder did they put in rocks and liquid paper into the sweets? sigh sigh... well, i am just being crazy, of course not, but i am sure they put lots of chemical to make them look so white. Scary huh~~~~