Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008


oh my my my~~~~ i was soooo impressed with the masterclass today, i learn sooo much, really. especially mr. ong's teaching method, a lot of methods are new to me, all the techniques, i never know those techniques can be thought this way! now, i can teach my students with all those explanation or 'secrets' as mr. ong said. He said he has lots and lots of 'secrets' to make his playing so wonderful....

I was nervous, he can tell. I was shaking, as usual... but luckily he didn't give any 'harsh' comment about my performing. phew~~~~ it's over!!! IT'S OVER!!! i am so free... and i feel happy, after masterclass, had dinner with mr. ong, then supper.... syok syok~~~

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


啊,我得赶快完成这天的故事。。。现在已经是11.53pm 了,要来不及了。

ok, 今天非常幸福,也充实。。。 因为我在JB呆了大半天,基本上是跟老师粘在一起大半天。我很喜欢和她一起的感觉,她告诉我很多关于音乐方面的故事,我喜欢听,因为我知道,这些都不是在上课的时候可以学到的。那,我也可以和我的学生们分享一些我觉得有趣的故事。

一大早,我当然是练琴啦,因为一直到今天,我还走不出上个星期天那个masterclass 的阴影。就老是觉得自己弹得很烂,昨天在家还特别的练了好几十遍。今天早上再练,因该不下30遍吧。然后老师近来听。。。还是没有什么contrast, balancing 也不明显。ok.... 再练。。。

终于,老师第二次近来听的时候,哈哈。。。 可以了,balance very obvious, contrasts are better.... yahooo~~~~ 太高兴了,但是我知道我自己的问题,其实已经弹得above average 了,只是我有‘上台表演恐惧症’哈哈。。。真有这病吗?现在就只希望星期六,一切都顺利,不渴望得到mr. ong 的大赞赏,只要不丢脸就好了。。。唉,要求真低啊!!!

祝福我吧~ 我需要的~~

Monday, June 23, 2008


you know, yesterday i went for another class hour... suppose to be something like the master class. but the maestro is my teacher. My very first time to attend a masterclass, so i didn't know that not just teacher need to comment on my performance, but also all the audience. of course i need to comment on other ppl's performance as well. sigh sigh.... i got terrible stage fright. it's my 死穴。ended up, my hands, my legs, my body, all shaking while performing... 弹得乱七八糟。老师还叫我从弹。唉!!!

明明在家练习的时候,已经是百分之一百的没有错误,但是一紧张,就又断谱,又错音,一塌糊涂。已经是对那份谱熟悉得不得了,还是不行,下个礼拜的masterclass, 不知道可以不可以活着走出大堂。需不需要先吃一粒镇定剂哈?

我很怕叻,心情完全不能平复下来,这个星期该怎么过?学生的考试又在眼前了。。。 压力压力压力。。。 ARGHHHH~~~~~ 压力啊!!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kungfu Panda

Me and sis went to watch kungfu Panda, hahaha, superb, it's so funny... i can't help and can't stop laughing till now... i love the blur blur look of his. and his fur, feel like running to the screen and just jump into the movie, and HUGGGGG him.... must be very comfy to hug him.

Friday, June 13, 2008

My TiBo

I have a new toy, this is it, my tibo A1200i, my very cool GPS system, ya? yeah!!!! I am gonna use it for my KL trip tomorrow, so excited.

I am not gonna miss any entrance anymore, i am not going to lost my way and ended up in some army camp anymore, i am not going to follow the 海岸线 and make a big round trip of singapore, just to get from Bukit Timah to Ang Mo Kio anymore.... yeah!!! I am the route expert now, ask me ba!!!

Monday, June 09, 2008


u know, i went swimming the other day, after like so many years. so, i went swimming, well, it's only 4 laps, but that's enough to kill me, the next day, i really really feel that, i am just one huge potato, i can't feel my hands, my arms, my legs, so, one big potato.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

New Born Baby

sometimes, u will just find yourself in a mess. The room is in a mess, the car is in a mess, the kitchen is messy, hand writing is weird, cannot talk properly, brain not functioning etc etc, and at last, u will lose yourself in all these mess.

This happen to me once in a while, i don't know the periodic time is how long, but once a while i will feel very very extremely lost and down, can just burst into tears for nothing, scold ppl around me for nothing. But i got my own way to solve all these sh*t of mine. Some ppl will say i am just giving excuses, but i know, i am NOT!!! ok.

These few days i didn't post, cos, i was busy tidying up myself, everything, starting from the room, then the drawers, clear all the pile and pile of laundry, guess what? my life was messy, everything messy, even my wardrobe collapsed, can u believe that? the whole iron bar fell off, so, i cleared the wardrobe as well, all those that i never wear anymore, pack pack pack and send them all back to KL. Throw so many things, till today, i am still throwing. but it's much better already, i don't feel lost anymore. I am in one piece again, I am once again a happy woman~~~