Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New BlogSkin

I've change my blog skin again, kinda bored of the old one... was looking at something very simple and pinky, i fell in love with pink lately, don't know why. I think ppl that know me b4 just cannot believe that i actually love pink colour now, hmmm... something has changed?

anyway, cut off the background music, cut off the calendar board, cut off the picture slides, everything cut cut cut... ya, so it's pretty simple now.

Going back this thursday for the weekends. it's dad's birthday, so me and sis decided to go back and give him a birthday treat. Looking forward to it la~~~ but after the trip, got to make up like crazy.. So many lessons had been cancelled during the month of May. Gee~~~ so sick of make up lessons already.

I think i won't be posting till after the trip. Will update asap. *pooff* <--- did i sound like disappearing at once? sigh... lame, i am bored, that's why, it's 2am now, and i am still awake, don't feel like sleeping.

1 comment:

-Xiao Yu- said...

testing testing, is this thing working?