Friday, May 08, 2009


I watched two musicals lately... first, on the 3rd May 2009, the CATS. And can u believe it? i remembered the time wrongly, 我多么的懊恼, 为什么可以犯这么严重的错。那票不便宜,然后我知道他们一定不让我们进去直到中场休息。I am gonna miss half of the musical, my gosh... but, when we reach there around 7.30pm (started at 7pm), they lead us to a viewing room, lucky, we don't need to miss all half, only the first 30mins. But that viewing room, sigh... not live, it's thru speakers de... not nice at all, i still blaim myself for making this stupid mistake.

so, i didn't really enjoy the musical for the first half, but the 2nd half not bad. nice songs, nice dance, cool... so cool. one thing, the background didn't change much, other than that, not a bad watch, hehe...

2nd musical that i watched on 6th May, is a Singapore musical, at first i didn't want to watch it, cos u know, singapore 本土的,i don't know whether nice or not, don't dare to spend too much, then once i heard the OST on radio, nice wor... cos normally 新谣all listen until xian already, but they actually 从新编曲for all the 新谣, and it's nice. very jazzy and modern. So, i decided to watch it this time... and guess what, I was so touched, cos all the songs that heard when i was in teenage, all reappear in the musical, in a very different way, very cool too, and 很感动。They sing well, they are cute, of course can't compare to thoese Europe cast, but, not bad for an asian cast already. I was surprise. :) give them a smile for that.
More to come, more to come plz... i need all these for inspirations.

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