Saturday, September 20, 2008

I miss you~

We had a nice long chat, after all these months, all these years.... with a cup of warm tea in my hand, it's nice... i miss those days when we were together.
  • we used to talk on the phone, share our things
  • i used to go to your place, stay a peaceful afternoon there before starting to work
  • we used to cook breakfast at my place, still remember your fried tomato and crumble egg
  • we used to work at the same school, having lunch and dinner together...
  • we used to do so many things together, then we lost each other.
  • and now.... we've found each other again and wish our friendship last forever


CherCher said...

It's Scramble egg my dear. Sounds like a very familiar things done... didn't it ment so much to you.

小鱼 said...

yeah, really miss those days, now always get things done alone, no fun at all.