Sunday, March 18, 2007

warning letter :(

there were so many things piling up these 2 weeks, damn busy, last week, went back to KL to visit 2nd uncle, he was very ill, remember? this week, went back to KL again, he passed away.

Although it's sort of expected, but, we still feel sad about it, of course. it was just last week that we'd talked to him, he was very conscious, kinda joke with us, and he said bye bye when we left the house. This time, the bye bye, really means bye bye...... 再沉重不过的bye bye.

一再的提醒自己,不能哭,在别人眼中,可能是做作的。但是当我看见一向坚强的父亲那几乎夺眶而出的眼泪,我还是掉泪了。难过是必然的。人不在了,但是我们拥有了美好的回忆。 收拾心情,继续旅程,也唯有这样了。是吗?

these 2 weeks seems hard for me, too many things, while driving back from home, i was thinking... things couldn't be worse... but guess what? When i reached home... i got a letter from the traffic police. I GOT A WARNING LETTER!!!!! of speeding, of course, what else???

See? things can be very bad sometimes, hopefully after all these, my life can be a little bit more peaceful. A lot of things are waiting, for me to face them, for me to solve them... I don't believe in 迷信,但是就是不由得我不信,到底是不是犯太岁惹的祸。唉!

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