Friday, October 03, 2008

Sh*tty Holiday

Sigh.... I am back. I started with a long sighhh... there is a reason for it.

By the way, I am back in Singapore already, I was lost in action for a week or so cos, i really really had a bad week back in KL. Well, I am glad that my parents are beside me when i was 'down'. Down as in, really dead down on the bed, super sick ler....

At first already cough like don't know what... then went to see doc in KL, he gave me some super strong antibiotics, which my stomach cannot take it at all. So, my stomach feel bloated for don't know how many days, until today loh... i think about 6 days already. Can u imagine your stomach like a balloon, gonna burst in any minute, and yet, u still have to carry it around. I couldn't breath properly, cos of the gassy feeling inside me. I couldn't sleep properly, when i was lying on the bed, i feel so bad, i can't breath... sigh, really bad feeling for me.

I can't eat strong taste food, I feel like throwing up after eating. I feel dizzy in the day time, slept in the living room, on a metal 'teh-yi'.

And worse... I was suppose to rush down to JB for my class hour on Sunday, and guess what? i remember the flight time wrongly, and I missed the flight, ended up, staying in KL, was that a sign? cos Sunday nite was the worst of all, i vomit and cough non stop, if i was in teacher's house, will sure scared her away.

Monday, came back to Singapore, the gassy feeling still inside me, for the 2nd time, i went to a doc. but the doc was too concentrate on my cough and blood pressure, he didn't say much about the gastric problem, so, i carried the balloon with me for another 2 days. then 3rd time to the Doc. which was this morning... and i make sure he check me up for the gastric prob. Another 3 bags of medicine....

really hope that all the gas in my stomach will just disappear tomorrow morning... by burping, by farting, whatever... just get rid of all the gas. I cannot stand it anymore...

oh ya, another thing, i pierced my ears, like finally ya. Now i can say, it's not painful at all.... hehehe, at least something to make me smile in these terrible days.

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